Christmas Eve

Struggling to conceive it’s already Christmas Eve?
Amid Brexit and Covid news, it seems almost lost, I believe.
Stuck with Zoom (from the same room), the festive buzz is hugely reduced,
As we see only through cameras rooms so festively spruced.

Curtailed Christmas gatherings will go down in history this year,
But a small cost to limit virus spreading and associated fears.
I really hope people will choose to be merry not sad,
And take stock of the blessings after the year we’ve all had.

Many people may hope stockings will be filled with thoughtful gifts,
May we too receive renewed resilience to face regulations as they shift.
Christmas is about miracles, new beginnings and good will,
A nice sentiment to remember as we’ve all been through the mill.

So Merry Christmas to those reading, far flung though you may be,
Written Right’s poems are a new off shoot this year for me.
But like many I can’t wait to discover what 2021 has in store,
When hopefully some sort of normality can be restored.

Christmas Publication

Such an honour to feature on the cover of Give’s Christmas publication. In my book (pardon the pun!), it’s a very worthy cause which I love supporting. If you haven’t see their work, you can visit their website here.



Silent snow flurries; a frenzy of anticipation all around,
Nothing quite like the prettiness of a white blanket on the ground.
Open skies letting snow fall, landing silently where it lands,
With spirited little minds, excited to hold snow in their hands.

Fleeting moments of excitement, but all too often the snow melts away,
Leaving plans for sledging and snowmen to await another day.
And all that remains, are some wet and slushy tracks,
Keenly wishing now for some drier weather to come back!
Everything can be seen through two lenses, even for weather this is true,
Seeing the beauty of everything, that’s the best someone can do.

Instead of Christmas Cards…..

I like to pride myself on coming up with creative approaches to share a message; it’s a great way to stand out from the crowd and get yourself heard! So this year, in the year where virtual interaction has come into its own like never before, I’ve decided to digitise my Christmas cards too! Merry. Christmas, hope you enjoy it. 😀