Life Through the Right Lens

When you’re on the cusp of something new,
Being brave it sometimes the only thing to do.
Listening to Experience, Reason and Pride too much,
Can keep great new things out of touch.

Instead I prefer to listen to Attitude,
Who seems to be of a more optimistic mood,
And recognises that beautiful  things can grow,
From challenging the status quo.






World Poetry Day

It’s World Poetry Day; I thought I’d write a stanza or two,
To raise a metaphorical glass to the clever things poetry can do.
A shapely expression of language; the form can take so many styles,
A quick limerick, varied verse, or perhaps just something to make you smile.

Some poems use figurative language, describing in a non traditional way,
Some poems prefer rhyme, adding pattern to what they say.
Some poems play with meter, giving structure to their length,
So many styles of poems, each with their own strengths.

But one of the wonders of poetry, in my mind anyway,
Is there are no hard or fast rules, to how you say the things you say.
So happy World Poetry Day to everyone far and wide,
And by toasting World Poetry Day, we’re somehow all allied.

Thought of The Week – Happy Mother’s Day!

If you can be a little pedantic about grammar like me, you may be wondering whether today is Mothers’ Day (as in the day of multiple
Mothers) or Mother’s Day (as in the day of a mother). For once, I’m quite relaxed about it, either can make sense I think.

It’s not often I’ll be so relaxed about things being written right, but when mums (and dads), come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and guises, and so often help us keep going when all else around us feels chaotic, somehow it feels quite apt. 😀

Thought of The Week – What’s Happening With The Word Queue?

The pronunciation of the word ‘queue’ is curiously unchanged when the last four letters are taken away. So what’s the point of the last four letters? Those linguists amongst you may want to form an orderly queue (!) with explanations of the origins of language, but I prefer to think there’s a more subtle lesson in there waiting for us to figure out. Understand there is always more to something than meets the eye. Exploit the time you spend queuing to do something else whilst you wait. Think about it and repeat! 

Thought of The Week – Even Impossible Says “I’m Possible”.

Having had more months than I care to count in lockdown, many of us have learned to do countless new things – be it from taking up a new hobby, to home schooling, to learning about the possibilities brought to us by technology. Ever the optimist, I’ve been reflecting on the benefits that have come from travelling uncharted waters and I’ve come to the conclusion that the silver lining of the last year is most of us have learned to do things in new, often simpler ways and to question our assumptions.  Through new experiences (forced on us though COVID 19 was!) we’ve learnt new skills, broadened our perspectives, and sometimes deepened our understanding of ourselves and those around us. So whilst back to normal is hopefully not too far around the corner, I’m resolved to keep the learning going.  This month I’ve been learning how to solve a Rubik’s cube. What it has reminded me is a simple motto that can be applied to all walks of life: eveything is possible with the right attitude and perseverance. 😀 

Thought of The Week – Choose Words Wisely

Choosing words carefully matters. All too often a sentiment gets muddied by the words chosen to express it. Take for example “Everything happens for a reason” – meant to console but so often leads to more questions. Why me? Why now? Why? The message here is most likely “Most painful endings are synonymous with new beginnings, full of possibility.” With reflection, we can understand this. In the moment, maybe less so.

Thought of The Week


Someone recently commented to me that life is a journey. If that’s the case where is the destination and how are you supposed to know when you’ve got there? Hmmmm. Funny how we all see things through a different lens and how carefully choosing words is important. Thinking about its literal sense, I fantasised about the possibilities we’d have if life was a journey, the benefits we’d gain from checking sat nav to be forewarned of the delays and blocks along the way. As it is, I’d describe life as more of a ride; there to be enjoyed and for people find a way to pay their way too. You can’t always stop life’s ride when you’d like to. Sometimes it’s exhilarating, whilst other times it’s super scary. The ups and downs don’t last forever and we’re never quite sure of when things might come to an abrupt and unexpected stop. #perspectives #differentlens #foodforthought #thoughtoftheday #wordsoftheday