Easing Up


May 17th,
Twenty twenty one.
Some indoor meeting,
Is now back on!

A giant leap forward,
For England’s pandemic,
Slowly we’re crushing,
An unprecedented epidemic.

In a few days we can meet,
Up to  6 people indoors.
And to hug other households,
Will be illegal no more.

Uniform including masks,
Mandatory at high school,
Will be enforced no longer,
An old fashioned  rule.

Overnight stays,
Allowed once again,
In our local area,
We don’t have to remain.

And although care and caution,
We’ll need to employ,
New changes are bound,
To reenergise with joy


Bright Spring

The juxtaposition of a bright sunny sky with snow on the floor,
The sun with its hats on, Jack Frost still knocking at the door.
A parallel perhaps with society’s fragility of today,
Still loosing too many, whilst a rescuing vaccination programme is well underway.

With days getting longer and spring on its way,
And the numbers of those vaccinated growing by day,
It won’t be too long until brighter times arrive,
And we’ll tell the story of how (amid losing too many), we managed to keep so many more alive.

My Best Friend, Hope.

Last year, I had the pleasure of writing a poem for an event , my specific brief being to write about friendship.  Heavily intertwined with the poem  I created were some reflections on hope and the power that can bring us.  In light of the COVID news we currently hear day in day out, this feeling of hope feels needed now more than ever, so I thought I’d share the work more widely.


Good friends come and sometimes go.
How long they’ll stay, you don’t always know.
Written as a book, life has friends for a chapter, and friends to the end.
Perhaps only fate knows the reason for each friend.

At first you might wonder who will stay and who will go.
But in spite of the timespan, true friends are easy to know.
They’re the ones who help you weather all storms.
Love you unconditionally, in so many forms.

People who accept you, even when the going gets tough.
You might see them often, or maybe not enough.
Honest and don’t judge, or make you feel small.
Always find time for you, even if just a quick call. 

People are great, but complete dependence can be unwise.
Life is so fragile, you don’t know what may arise.
For that very reason, and I’ve learned the hard way,
Self reliance allows true freedom, come what may.

Learn to love yourself, trust yourself and ALWAYS have hope.
Then whatever life delivers, somehow you’ll cope.
Friends can be there to help and lend a hand.
But on your own two feet, with hope you must stand.

Hope is always within you, albeit can go awry.
But if you dig deep,it can push you to try.
By kindling hope, there’s a positive possibility in sight.
Motivating you through, whatever the plight.

So three cheers for Hope! My invisible very best friend.
To help conquer adversity, on you I depend!
People can’t see you, you live in my mind.
But thanks goodness you’re there, and our lives are entwined.


Lockdown Day 25


The end of November and soon my lockdown poems will fold,
They’ve brightened a few people’s days, so I’ve been told.
It’s been nice to have documented the turns and the twists,
As things have changed as the virus persists.

We’ve recorded some history of how it has been,
Documented the news and what we have seen.
I hope it soon ends and something like our normal lives resumes,
And that a brighter 2021 on the horizon looms.

But for now at least, my lockdown poems will cease,
I have one or two other projects tucked up my sleeve.
So I’ll be back very soon with an exciting little twist,
I’m quite excited about the next project on the list.

Lockdown Day 24

A rainy lockdown Saturday, with nowhere much to go,
I’ve been flicking through the news, to see what I should know.
Covid, Covid, Covid; we see it everywhere,
With other reported stories, being rather rare.

I did however find something, that made me stop and smile,
I forgot about Covid, for a very fleeting while.
A moment to appreciate the nature amongst which we co exist,
And sharing it with you, well I simply couldn’t resist. 😀




Lockdown Day 23

Blooming marvellous how long some cut flowers bloom,
Vibrantly bringing colour and life to a room.
Reminding us too of friends we’ve not see in an age,
Hampered and restrained by COVID’s restrictive cage.

Pretty petals and luscious leaves,
Safely tucked up inside away from the breeze.
Scintillating scents wafting through the air,
Making you pause momentarily to stop and to stare.

Lockdown Day 22

The latest COVID 19 tiers are like a metaphorical wedding cake,
Tier 1 at the top, the first to see a break.
Once cut into though, the uniformity crumbles away,
With each people consuming in their own unique way.

A moment of delight, perhaps to be worked off later,
For boosts to morale and businesses, this cake will help to cater.
The cake won’t last for ever though and will surely make some crumbs,
Portion control is perhaps the key for positive outcomes.

Lockdown Day 20

Pass me the ‘thingy’ he said,
As he got quite animated.
And with his eyes I was led,
Which all seemed complicated.

Without descriptive language,
We’re left to second guess.
Which can cause a bit of anguish,
And leave us in a mess.

So three cheers from me to diction,
For helping us each day.
To help communicate without restriction,
And our message to convey.

Lockdown Day 18


Round and round, lockdown seems infinite at times,
So today on our bikes, we rediscovered former pastimes.
Something quite calming about wheels spinning round,
As the bikes carried us over the leaf covered ground.

The leaves crinkled and crunched as our bikes whizzed through,
Something unique to autumn to do.
Another day well spent on our second lockdown,
Exploring on wheels our local hometown .

Lockdown Day 17

A robin popped by on a crisp autumn day,
It landed right beside us, obviously wanting to play.
And with the camera quickly poised ready, we started to snap,
A lovely opportunity which fell into our lap.

Its lovely grey feathers fluttered in the chilly breeze,
Intrigued in what we were doing and eager to  please.
It preened and it danced and pushed out its little red breast,
Then eventually flew away, back to its nest.